

There’s something funny about Franz Kafka’s work, Metamorphosis. A story about what would happen if one wake up in the morning and find himself turned into a giant beetle. Funny because neither Gregor Samsa nor his family had even slightest denial about Gregor’s unnatural physical metamorphosis. There’s no “I must be dreaming. I will close my eyes, count to ten and everything will go back to normal” or wailing or even frustrated stomping.

The Samsas took ‘Gregor is now a beetle’ as a fact, not even had the slightest rumination like ‘there’s a monster inside Gregor’s room and it most probably has killed him’. Therefore instead of calling police or doctor or pest extinguisher, they kept beetle Gregor as a secret shame.

Gregor, despite tremendous unfortunate event that happened to him, could only think about how much he put his family in such inconvenient state. He wished, above anything else, to go back to work and provide his family a comfortable living and send his sister to a reputable music school.

A beautifully written bizarre story. As if mocking people who make a fuss over the superficials. The real tragedy is when your family member turns into insect over night. Anything else is solvable.

our dearest ILL

Mother Theresa once said: "If you're going on a march against war, count me out. But if you're going on a march to support peace, then I'm in."

Meaning we cannot fight fire with fire. Cannot fight terrorism with massacre. Cannot fight idiocy and dictatorship with rage. Wait. You probably can fight idiocy and dictatorship with rage.

I can't believe North Korea an their 'dear leader' Kim Jong Il remains untouched all of these years. Somebody has to put some sense in his brain. And his son's, Kim Jong Un, as well.

It's like they put more than 23 million Korean people into hostages. I mean, only 68% of the population is well fed. And well fed means eating half of the standard portion of meal. 1/3 of children and 1/4 of pregnant women are malnourished and starving. While the Kims have recently built a villa worth 150 million USD for the 'crown prince', Kim Jong Un. They have other 32 similar buildings all across the country.

And it is said they even have personal subway and yacht way. And undersea view facilities. I don't know if these are really real. I mean, it sounds too... heartless.

All medias are owned and controlled by the government. All of televisions and radios are listed and programmed to only received government's broadcast. I wonder if citizens could be granted permissions to leave the country. Not likely.

I should've felt grateful that I wasn't born in North Korea. Even Cendana could be seen as generous compared to the Kims. And we all thanked God the moment Cendana's reign was over.

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Contact me: devy.nandya@gmail.com