
Ah, nemu ini di folder yang nggak pernah diotak-atik lagi...

Lebih Jauh, Lebih Dekat

Ketika Charles Darwin mengunjungi Pulau Galapagos di tahun 1835, ia menyadari bahwa burung mockingbird di tiap-tiap pulau merupakan spesies yang berbeda. Hal ini semakin memperkuat keraguannya mengenai kemustahilan makhluk hidup untuk bermutasi. Setahun kemudian dia mencetuskannya dalam Darwin’s Finches, sebuah studi mengenai evolusi pada paruh burung.

Kisah ini mungkin menjadi inspirasi bagi Harper Lee, peraih penghargaan Pulitzer 1961, dalam menulis novel To Kill A Mockingbird. Namun Lee tidak bicara soal sains, melainkan sebuah realita hidup di mana seringkali citra dan praduga membuat orang buta akan kebenaran yang jelas-jelas digelar di depan mata.

To Kill A Mockingbird mengambil latar sebuah kota bernama Maycomb yang berada di negara bagian Alabama, Amerika Serikat. Saat itu, di tahun 1930-an, perlakuan berbeda terhadap orang kulit hitam masih sangat mencolok. Tanpa terkecuali, dalam masyarakat Maycomb yang sebagian besar merupakan golongan konservatif kulit putih.

Cerita ini dituturkan dari sudut pandang gadis berusia 6-8 tahun bernama Scout. Seperti anak seusianya, Scout suka menghabiskan harinya dengan bermain, berusaha mengikuti apa saja yang dilakukan kakak lak-lakinya. Termasuk mengintai rumah Boo Radley, seorang pria yang tidak pernah terlihat keluar rumah sejak bertahun-tahun. Namun hidup Scout berubah ketika ayahnya, Atticus Finch, pengacara terkenal di kota tersebut, secara mengejutkan maju menjadi pembela bagi Tom Robinson, seorang pekerja serabutan kulit hitam.

Robinson dituduh melakukan penyerangan seksual terhadap anak perempuan Bob Ewell. Walaupun mengalami tekanan dari komunitasnya, Finch bertahan membela Robinson. Ia mengumpulkan bukti-bukti yang secara mengejutkan mengarah pada kemungkinan Ewell-lah yang menyerang putrinya sendiri. Meskipun tahu kemungkinannya kecil, Finch berusaha membuat juri melihat kebenaran di balik warna kulit Robinson.

“Ada sebuah tempat di negara ini di mana semua manusia dilahirkan setara. Ada sebuah institusi buatan manusia di mana seorang paling miskin setara dengan Rockefeller, seorang idiot setara dengan Einstein, dan seorang apatis setara dengan semua rektor universitas. Tempat itu, Saudara sekalian, adalah pengadilan,” kata Finch pada pernyataan terakhirnya sebelum juri berunding untuk membuat keputusan. Namun demikian, cap buruk yang dialamatkan pada masyarakat kulit hitam sebegitukuatnya sehingga para juri akhirnya memberikan vonis bersalah pada Robinson.

Dengan pengamatan yang teliti dan gaya yang polos, Scout memperlihatkan paradoks dalam kehidupan masyarakat Amerika saat itu. Kaum kulit putih menganggap kaum minoritas sebagai ‘komunitas tidak berpendidikan dan berbahaya’ karena mereka tinggal di sudut kota yang kumuh, sebagian besar dari mereka bekerja sebagai pembantu, dan tidak bisa baca-tulis. Di sisi lain, ada juga kaum kulit putih dengan ciri-ciri seperti itu, bahkan berkelakuan jauh lebih buruk dibandingkan orang kulit hitam, namun tetap mendapat perlakuan lebih baik. Maka alasan seperti tingkah laku dan kemampuan baca-tulis sebenarnya hanya pembelaan akan tumbuhnya prasangka yang disebabkan oleh perbedaan warna kulit. Prasangka itu seperti suatu keyakinan yang ditanamkan secara turun-temurun sehingga rasanya tidak ada alasan untuk menolak mempercayainya.

Dalam skala berbeda, prasangka juga yang menyebabkan Radley dilarang keluar rumah oleh ayahnya. Sejak bebas dari penjara remaja, Radley hidup dalam kurungan ayahnya yang khawatir Radley akan melakukan tindak kriminal lagi apabila dibiarkan bergaul dalam masyarakat. Pada akhirnya, Radley ternyata pria baik yang sering memberikan hadiah-hadiah kejutan bagi Scout saat gadis itu kebetulan lewat di depan rumahnya. Bahkan dia juga yang menyelamatkan Scout saat gadis itu dan kakaknya diserang oleh Bob Ewell, yang merasa dipermalukan di depan umum oleh Finch.

Para ‘korban’ dalam novel ini dianalogikan Lee sebagai mockingbird. Dalam masyarakat Maycomb, menembak burung penyanyi tersebut adalah kebiasaan dan hobi. Tidak ada seorang pun yang menentang hal itu, kecuali Finch, yang dengan jelas melarang anak-anaknya membunuh mockingbird.

“Mockingbirds tidak melakukan apapun kecuali menyanyikan musik untuk kita nikmati. Mereka tidak memakan tanaman orang, tidak bersarang pada tempat penyimpanan jagung, mereka tidak melakukan apapun kecuali menyanyikan lagu sepenuh hati untuk kita. Itulah sebabnya kita tidak boleh membunuh mockingbird,” begitu kata pengasuh Scout ketika gadis itu meminta penjelasan. Scout kemudian berjanji tidak akan membunuh mockingbird, seperti halnya dia menolak menjadi rasis.

To Kill A Mockingbird adalah novel Lee satu-satunya dan diterbitkan saat ia masih berusia 34 tahun. Melalui buku ini, Lee dianugrahi Presidential Medal of Freedom pada tahun 2007 silam. To Kill A Mockingbird merupakan salah satu karya paling berpengaruh di seluruh dunia dan kini menjadi salah satu bacaan wajib bagi sekolah menengah AS.

Lima puluh tahun setelah pertama kali buku ini diterbitkan, patut disyukuri masyarakat telah mengalami kemajuan besar dalam hal perbedaan rasial. Namun, seperti kata Darwin, mockingbird memiliki spesies berbeda di masing-masing pulau. Ada banyak Robinson dan Radley dengan permasalahan sendiri-sendiri. Untuk itu, kita harus melihat lebih jauh melewati prasangka, untuk bisa melihat lebih dekat orang di depan kita. Jangan sampai membunuh mockingbird, Finch bilang itu dosa.

demineralized water for coffee

People, please... Just because H2O is the chemical structure of water, doesn't mean H2O is the actual water we drink everyday. Perhaps they want to look smart by putting word H2O instead of hot water, but it only proved their sotoyness.

What? They wanted to say that I have to buy demineralized water to make this coffee?


morning soup for soul

I once truly believed that one should not make other as the center of one's life. That one should not make other as one's reason to do everything. That one should not make other as one's final achievement.

Because things change. People change.

What if you're trying to succeed just to impress this girl, then you soon find her cheating on you? Doesn't all the achievement mean nothing now that you don't have any reason to keep going? What if you depend completely on your partner and then one day he's gone? Doesn't the world feel like it's ending? That you are entirely completely hopelessly alone now that you're losing your once solid ground?

Then this conversation occured.

When I told this guy about those, he said: What about soul mate then? If I love someone so dearly and she cheated on me, there must be something wrong about my judgement. If I love someone so dearly and she's gone, then I will be broken. But that's not going to stop me from giving her all I can, because she'll be my everything.

What he said to me had shaken up my whole point of view about my relationship with other people, though. I was never an all-out girl. There's something in the back of my mind that stops me from giving it all. I think the word is pride. I can hear J.Lo singing 'all my pride is all I have...' already. But probably it's just fear.

Strange thing about love is the more you give the happier you are. Love is something you feel inside, the ones you love can only feel love that is radiating from you. So if you want love, start loving. Love this morning, love your family, love your friends. Love them completely. Their love for you is their feelings. But the feeling when you're fallling in love, when you're hugging a friend, when you're watching TV with your family is truly yours. Love never hurts as no one really dies of a broken heart.

He must be shaking his head if he read this, thinking: hey, that's not my idea of love at all! Well, I kind of processing people's thoughts and ideas and sometimes come up with agreement or denial or whole different meaning.

I still believe that one should not make other as the center of one's life. That one should not make other as one's reason to do everything. That one should not make other as one's final achievement.

Because I think there's more to live.

What about soul mate, you say? Err... I don't know. Yes, some say you're not quite your whole self before you find your other half. But there are many, men and women, who'd rather spend their life without a spouse or even partner. And they're calm and happy. You still think they can not fly without the other wing? Because I know lots of people who fly on their own. Like mother Theresa. Or Isa (Jesus). Or my Aunt.

Indah said: It's not fair that you can only be yourself within the precence of someone else. Soul mate is what comes from inside you. Your personal achievement. Like Darwin and his theories. Like Newton and his apple.

(You see? I'm surrounded by great people and great books. And now as I'm writing down in my laptop, eating Happy Toss and sipping cappuccino, I can see great morning outside my window. Right here, right now, life is a bliss.)

Anyway, the problem about the word soulmate is that everyone seems to have their own definitions, and everyone claims that theirs are the right ones.

Lately I've been carrying novel Eat Pray Love like a devoted nun treats the bible. And here's its (or rather, Richard from Texas') definition of soulmate:

People think soulmate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important people you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with one? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. And thank God for it.

My mom said that when he married my dad, she wasn't sure that she loves him (despite their 5 years in relationship). She just went with the flow and when it's time they should be married, they just did. And one thing that crossed my mind when she told me this was: 'Emak gue nggak romantis.'

But hey, would it be matter? They're still going strong until now. They still do all the lovey dovey things. They still respect each other. They still complain and grumble about each other, of course, but very rarely be mad. My dad adores my mom, and she is devoted to him. And I bet if I ask her is he her soul mate she would go with: I don't know, what is soul mate anyway?

Perhaps soul mate is just something people make up to assure themselves that they will not have to spend a lifetime being alone.

Perhaps, like a faint voice that is always bugging me for quite some time now, soulmate is the presence of God within you?

senyum senyum sendiri

Waktu lagi sedih, rasanya sulit buat nemuin hal-hal yang bisa bikin kita tersenyum. Tapi coba ya, waktu pikiran dan hati lagi tenang, ada luar biasa banyak hal yang bisa disyukuri dari hari ini. :)

Saya bersyukur untuk buku Eat Pray Love, dua gelas cappuccino malam ini, semua artis yang telah menyanyikan lagu-lagu di playlist saya, Canada's Next Top Model, internet, Ibu yang paling saya sayang di dunia, Ayah dan kedua adik saya, treadmill, rumah, mobil, laptop, hujan, kesehatan, kehidupan, pengelihatan, malam, siang, pendengaran, onion ring, terigu... *makin lama makin absurd*

Saat-saat yang paling saya suka adalah saat saya merasa bahagia tanpa alasan (hope it ain't sign of insanity). Contentment. Saat saya tiba-tiba bisa merasa grateful atas simple things dan membuat saya senyum-senyum terus tanpa alasan (again, I hope it ain't sign of insanity).

Anyway, sejauh ini, ada dua paragraf dalam Eat Pray Love yang paling menarik jari saya untuk mengutip. Nggak jelas juga kenapa. Padahal membaca buku ini nggak membuat saya kepingin melakukan crazie escapade ke Itali.

Luigi Barzini, in his 1964 masterwork The Italians (written when he'd finally grown tired of foreigners writing about Italy and either loving it or hating it too much), tried to set the record straight on his own culture. He tried to answer the question of why the Italians have produced the greatest artistic, political and scientific minds of the ages, but have still never become a major world power. Why are they the planet's masters of verbal diplomacy, but still so inept at home government? Why they so individually valiant, yet so collectively unsuccessful as an army? How can they be such shrewd merchants on the personal level, yet such inefficient capitalist as a nation?

His answers to these questions are more complex than I can fairly encapsulate here, but have much to do with a sad Italian history of corruption by local leaders and exploitation by foreign dominators, all of which has generally led Italians to draw the seemingly accurate conclusion that nobody and nothing in this world can be trusted. Because the world is so corrupted, misspoken, unstable, exaggerated and unfair, one should trust only what one can experience with one's own senses, and this makes the senses stronger in Italy than anywhere in Europe. This is why, Barzini says, Italians will tolerate hideously incompetent generals, presidents, tyrants, professors, bureaucrats, journalists and captains of industry, but will never tolerate incompetent "opera singers, conductors, ballerinas, courtesans, actors, film directors, cooks, tailors..." In a world of disorder and disaster and fraud, sometimes only beauty can be trusted. Only artistic excellence is incorruptible. Pleasure cannot be bargained down. And sometimes the meal is the only currency that is real.


They say if you want to see the rainbow, you'll have to bear with the rain. But this particular rainbow just appeared in the sky, once upon an Idul Adha (if I remember correctly), along with no rain.

It's a full circle around the sun. But it seems like diameter of the rainbow itself was too big for my little pocket camera to capture whole of it.


saya suka hari ini :)

Saya sedang baca Eat, Pray, Love oleh Elizabeth Gilbert dan The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets' Nest oleh Stieg Larsson. Dua buku yang super sangat bertolak belakang. Dan sejauh ini.. super sangat suka dua-duanya. :D

Akhirnya KP selesai dan bawaannya senang melulu. Hahaha.. Morning playlist hari ini:

Extraordinary - Mandy Moore
Put Your Records On - Corrine Bailey Rae
Moon River - Audrey Hepburn
True Colors - Cindy Lauper
Sunshine - Gabrielle
Ordinary Miracle - Sarah McLachlan
A Love That Will Last - Renee Olstead
Fireflies - Owl City
Fools Like Me - Lisa Loeb
Happy - Leona Lewis
Let's Start From Here - Joanna Wang
Mind Trick - Jamie Cullum

about me

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Contact me: devy.nandya@gmail.com