We Love You, Dear Earth..

So... once upon a time, I did some study for my Industrial Waste Management exam. As I read further, I came to this conclusion: the end of the world is approaching, fast.

With a lot of industries going on, people and their convert-into-carbon activities, power plants, drillings... we've done nothing but added more and more glass house gases. And the process isn't reversible, you cannot convert those carbon-dioxide into gas or methane. Carbon dioxide takes approximately 100 years to be out of our atmosphere.

So even if the whole world stop doing their industrial activities and get back to the stone age, we have to wait another 100 years for green house gases to leave our atmosphere. But it's impossible, anyway. I mean, how can people live without decent clothes, good foods, televisions, phones, Google, airplanes...??

All those reuse, reduce, recycle, recovery things are just slowing down the process of ending earth's life. And that only can happen if the whole world get together and feel the same urgency to lengthen earth's life.

Couple decades ago, the biggest energy consumers had been developed countries. Now, with all the environment issues, they begun to research for much cleaner technologies. On the other hands, underdeveloped countries are now taking parts of developed countries to become biggest energy consumers. Through some stages, I believe realization will come again and those underdeveloped countries will find their way to cleaner technologies. But we still have undeveloped countries waiting in line. And who can guarantee that earth will survive until then?

I think the most effective way is to begin searching for another livable planet. Live there for couple of hundred years, destroy the planet with even higher technologies and worse pollutions, then begin to search for another planet... We all can be aliens travel around galaxy by UFO.

It's cool, Freaks.

2 Responses to “We Love You, Dear Earth..”
  1. Unknown says:

    yeah...freeeaakkk!!! :))

    anyway, seriously, Google?? how can?

  2. pasti kemaren pas ujiannya di surh bikin essay tentang topik ginian, hahahaha

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