
It'd been raining all morning and I dove my way back beneath the blanket. I used to love rain, but the humid weather and a cloudy heart was just too much.

To say that I wasn't expecting this to happen would be a lie. And I knew it was partly my fault. Because I failed to do what I was expected.

But still I wondered why. Was that because you and I were not as close as we're supposed to? Or because you didn't like me that much? Or maybe because you picked something else above me?

Well, if that's the case, then did that mean I did something wrong? Or simply never been good enough?

Then tell me where did I go wrong. Be mad at me.

You should tell me because I wasn't mind reader. You should criticize me because that would make us better. Don't give me sweet words or blame yourself for mistakes you did not do.

I had never been perfect and neither had you. But we're in this together to be better. So speak your mind and confront me if you have to. Anything but this silence of thin air.

2 Responses to “evaluation”
  1. Anonim says:

    kirain mau cerita evaluasi boul. T_T

  2. curcol tentang evaluasi kali ya lebih tepatnya :D

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